Saturday 12 November 2022







Pray in tongues for 15mins


Matthew 8:1-3:
"When he was come down from the mountain, great multitudes followed him. And, behold, there came a leper and worshipped him, saying, Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean. And Jesus put forth his hand, and touched him, saying, I will; be thou clean. And immediately his leprosy was cleansed."

Lepers were outcasts in the society; nobody had anything to do with them. In fact, the law forbade anyone to touch a leper. Think of it, the last time the man felt the comforting touch of another human being was before he became leprous, and that could have been many years before he met Jesus.

Everyone walked past him very quickly outside the city gates and tossed food to him like a dog. In fact, if people had known he was leprous as he made his way to Jesus, they would have stoned him to death. What a lonely and uncaring world he must have been living in. But when he came to Jesus, he knew it was time for his healing. He felt loved because Jesus was the first person to touch him in his condition, and that touch brought healing to his body. He had never known love, but whern Jesus touched and spoke to him, he knew God not only wanted him well but loved him as well, Hallelujah!

It makes no difference to the Lord where you need healing in your body, for He's healed others in the same condition before you. Today, He'll do the same and more for you. Even if your case was the first of its kind and He never healed anyone of it before, you'll be the first!

Are you ready to receive your miracle?
Say I am ready for my miracle!
I have received my miracle!

Speak in tongues now. You have received healing now, every pain is gone, the blindness is gone. They say you are supposed to go for an operation, you are healed right now. Begin to see clearly.
Jesus is touching you right now. 

That vibration is God’s anointing passing through you. It is correcting every anomaly, everywhere that needs attention is being corrected right now. Begin to do what you couldn't do before.
Lift your hands up to God and thank Him for your miracle. You are healed!


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