Saturday 21 October 2023







Pray in tongues for 15mins.


I am an inhabitant of Zion. I have the divine right to live in health, prosperity, joy, victory, success, dominion and excellence. I cannot be sick because the devil has nothing in me. The very life of God is at work in me and I am unstoppable. Glory to God! Hallelujah!

I dwell in the secret place of the Most High and abide under the shadow of the Almighty. He is my refuge and my fortress. I am forever protected and fortified against all evil, wickedness, and corrupting influences in the world because I dwell in Christ. Glory to God! Hallelujah!

God’s glory is evident in my physical body, coursing through my being, ridding me of every infirmity, feebleness, or weakness. It is seen in my family, job, business, and all areas of my life, in the Precious Name of our Lord Jesus’ Christ. 

I have been delivered from sin, sickness, and death and catapulted into God’s realm of life. My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost; therefore, I am invincible, impregnable, and indestructible. I am forever blossoming in my soul and vibrant in health in the Precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

I am a new creation in Christ Jesus. Everything about my life is infused with divinity; I express the Father's glory. Eternal life, love, health, peace, joy, righteousness, and prosperity are my daily benefits; all are mine now! Glory to God! Hallelujah!

I have the life of God in me; and by faith, I live successfully. I do not walk by sensory perception, but I operate with faith in God. Therefore, sickness, diseases, and infirmities have no place in me. Blessed be God!

I am an associate of the God-kind, and I have the indestructible life of God in me. My body is impervious to every form and manner of sickness or disease. I live in perpetual health and walk in the greater light of the new creation in Christ. Glory to God! Hallelujah!

Put your hands around your body and speak in other tongues!

Send us your testimony, we would love to hear from you. God bless you.


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