Saturday 14 October 2023







Pray in tongues for 15mins.


All things are mine. The Lord has given me all things that pertain to life and godliness. Christ lives in me; therefore, my life is glorified and my body is vitalized. No sickness, disease, infirmity, or death can stay in this body. I function in perfect health.

Through me, the Lord is doing signs and wonders. I have the Word in me; words with the capacity to effect changes. I release words into the realms of the spirit today to effect changes in my health, and in all areas of my life. Nothing can bring me down. Glory to God! Hallelujah!

Blessed Father, Your Word is medicine to my body and health to my flesh. I am constantly healthy and strong. I manifest the virtues and perfections of your righteousness - walking in the glory and dominion of the Spirit. Amen.

I am born of God; therefore, I have overcome the world! I live in the victory and dominion of Christ over this world. I am in rest, health, wealth, security, and peace with prosperity. I take charge of my life and enjoy it to its fullest, for Christ has made me a participator in divinity. Glory to God! Hallelujah!

The Word of God is working in me mightily, and I am alive to the realities of God's Kingdom. I have been given the all-conquering Name of Jesus; therefore, I have power over all things! No sickness or infirmity of the body or mind can overwhelm me in the Precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

God has stamped and certified me as a world-overcomer; therefore, I reign over the world and its systems. I reign over demons of infirmity and death. The life in my body is a repellent, and a destroyer of diseases and germs. Glory to God! Hallelujah!

The Name of Jesus is above all names. His name is greater than cancer, it replaces maimed limbs, opens blind eyes, unstops deaf ears, and raises the dead. In the Name of Jesus, I am more than a conqueror. I am eternally free from all sicknesses. Glory to God! Hallelujah!

Put your hands around your body and speak in other tongues!

Send us your testimony, we would love to hear from you. God bless you. 


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