Saturday, 22 July 2023







Pray in tongues for 15mins. 

Two Kinds Of Faith

In a general sense, there are two kinds of faith. First, there is “the God-kind of faith” as revealed in Mark 11:26.

Then there is “the human kind of faith.”

The human-kind of faith is based on knowledge or information obtained from the senses. This type of faith calls real only those things that can be seen or touched physically. It doesn’t produce any result; it gives you nothing. It’s not true faith, because faith is the evidence of things not seen or perceived by the senses.

A good illustration of someone who operated in this kind of faith was Thomas, one of Jesus’ disciples. When he heard that the Master had risen from the dead, he said, “Except I see...I will not believe!” (John 20:25). Shortly afterwards, when Jesus showed up, He rebuked him saying, “be not FAITHLESS, but believing…” (John 20:27). In other words, Thomas was actually faithless! So those who say seeing is believing are faithless according to the Scriptures. The human-kind of faith is no faith at all. It is zero-faith. I like to call it “the Thomas-kind of faith.”

Jesus went on to declare to Thomas, “Blessed are they that have not seen and yet have believed” (John 20:29). The blessed person is the one who believes before seeing.

You have been having complications in your pregnancy, you are healed this moment. That injury has dried up. The deafness is gone, begin to hear now, begin to see with your eyes. Strength is restored back to your feet, move it and walk around. Wherever you need that miracle, you are healed this moment. Receive, in Jesus' Name! Amen.

Send us your testimony, we would love to hear from you. God bless you. 


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