Saturday, 11 March 2023







Pray in tongues for 15mins. 

The Life of Christ In You

Life in Christ is a super life; it’s a daily expression of victorious and triumphant living! You have to understand that when the Bible says old things are passed away, it’s talking about the old nature that was subject to sin, defeat, sickness, failure, and death.

You have received a new life and have been made a new creation. When you understand this truth, sickness and failure will not be part of your life anymore. This is because these are all products of the old nature, Adam’s fallen nature.

The reason some Christians live in defeat, fear, sin, poverty, sickness, and disease is because they’re living in the past. They’re still living with the mindset of what they used to be and where they came from. They haven’t come into the reality of the new life. They haven’t understood that this new life is a super life void of struggles, failure, sickness, and disease. Christianity is a life of dominion. The Bible says in Romans 5:17, “For if by one man’s offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.”

God never fails and He hasn’t changed. “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). He hasn’t changed! What He did in Bible days, He’s able and willing to do today. Ask Him to help you today. He specializes in doing good things for His children. Healing is your bread!

Maybe you’ve been sick for very long; maybe you’ve been confined to a wheel chair and the doctors have given up hope on you. Hey, I’ve got news for you: God desires above all things that you rise from that sickbed! He desires for those deaf ears to be unstopped today. God wants you healthy and prosperous; refuse to accept anything contrary. Come into agreement with Him so His wish concerning you can be actualized. He has given you divine, perfect health. It’s your right.

You reign over sin, sickness, death, and every circumstance of life. God has put His blessing in you; that blessing is a special endowment, a divine elixir that causes you to do well and excel in life. It’s a mark of the people of Zion; it differentiates and separates them unto greatness, health, and excellence. Glory to God, you’re a new creation in Christ Jesus; you’re made for the super life, Hallelujah!

You came with the consciousness of sin in your heart and you have tied your ailment to it. God says to you, "I have forgiven you."  God has also healed you, check your body right now. Sickness and disease have not place in you, you are healed.
That back pain is gone. Hallelujah! That wrestler had received healing now. You came with pains in your lower region, you have been healed by God’s Spirit. Hallelujah!


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