Saturday 11 February 2023







Pray in tongues for 15mins. 

Read this inspiring testimony and get ready for yours.

A Life Restored

"I  want  the Lord to  heal me totally and completely, and use me to help other people find their healing.” This was the heartfelt prayer of seventy-three-year-old Frank Davies when he came to the Healing School. The testimony that follows is the marvelous way in which God answered.

A pastor and leader of a church in Telford, United Kingdom, Frank Davies knew only God could heal and make him whole. His condition started when he observed he strained to hear whenever he was on the phone. Initially, he thought there was either a problem with his telephone connection or his telephone set had become faulty. However, Frank became seriously concerned when he discovered it had become increasingly difficult to hear sounds around him.

Without becoming unduly ruffled, he sought medical attention. After series of tests, the doctors diagnosed he was losing his sense of hearing.

“There are several reasons why this could happen…” the doctor began to say.

At this time, Frank was fifty-eight years old, but he knew he still had a whole lot to give his world. God had called him into the ministry to proclaim the good news of His saving power, and to nurture and raise His children in the Word. Frank knew that any sickness of any kind would undoubtedly slow down his work. And as the doctor continued to explain the condition and the plausible causes, Frank wondered how he would carry on his ministry.

A short while afterwards, Frank observed that it was much more difficult than usual for him to hear when the sounds came from his left side. He strained painfully to hear when people spoke to him through his left ear. This caused him to turn and slant his head awkwardly, just to pick up what they were saying.

Over the fourteen years that followed, his condition grew worse, affecting his whole life and ministry. Frank no longer felt comfortable attending public functions or being with people. Most times, he guessed the words that were spoken to him; but in order to avoid being embarrassed or misunderstanding people, he decided to stay away from people altogether. This caused him so much pain because God had called him to reach people with the gospel, now he stayed away from them as much as he could.

Sometime during this period, a program on television caught Frank’s attention. It was an episode of the Healing School program on LoveWorld Television. In desperate need for a change, Frank immediately began to make plans to attend the next session of the Healing School advertised in the TV program. It was scheduled to hold in Johannesburg, South Africa, and it would be a long journey from his home in Telford, but Frank made up his mind to attend.

With great faith for a miracle, Frank journeyed more than ten hours by air, accompanied by Susan, his wife, to the Healing School. Incidentally, this was Frank’s first trip to South Africa. What’s more, he had used all his savings to make the trip. So for this man of God, it was truly a journey of faith.

They arrived at the Healing School on th e 8th of February, 2008, and the love and warmth with which they were received made them feel completely at home. Frank was so overwhelmed by the atmosphere of joy and faith; he knew he had come to the right place.

When the healing service began, Frank sat with hundreds of others who had come like him with faith for a miracle. With a thankful heart, he praised God for the opportunity to be there. Then, the man of God, Pastor Chris, came into the hall, and began ministering to the sick. Frank felt enveloped by God’s mighty presence and watched with increasing expectation as the man of God prayed for each person.

When Pastor Chris got to where he was, Frank could barely stand for joy. The man of God immediately recognized that his condition had been caused by a spirit of infirmity. He put his finger in Frank’s left ear and commanded the spirit to come out. Then he blew the anointing on Frank and he fell under the power of God.

When he got up, he didn’t need anyone to tell him he had been healed! Radiant and filled with great joy, he lifted his hands in thanksgiving to God.

The next day, amidst several others who had received their healing, Frank testified of his awesome miracle. With great excitement, his wife came and stood beside him as he demonstrated his healing. She whispered to him, “I love you!” and with delight, Frank responded, “And I love you too!”

It has been several years since Frank had his life restored, and with every opportunity, he testifies of the miracle God performed in his life at the Healing School. He would always be grateful for the opportunity to have attended the Healing School. More touching for Frank was that the experience transformed his whole life.

Sitting in his home in Telford, he recounted his experience with great joy. “My experience at the Healing School was beautiful. Not only was my left ear healed, my life was also transformed. The Healing School stands out as a very rich and life-changing experience. Many people quote the Word of God, but at the Healing School, we experienced the Word.” Then, he concluded with conviction, “If you’re sick, seek the Lord by going to the Healing School.”

Right now, God is touching you where you are. You are receiving from Him already. He is touching that part of your body where you need Him to. There is surplus, you are going back with more than you expected. Take it in Jesus' Name. That’s the power of the Holy Ghost.  Receive that miracle right now. You've had that pain for 6 years now and you think it's normal and you care less. God has healed you, the pain is gone. Hallelujah! Check yourself, God has healed you already. There is a miracle for everyone participating today. Praise God! 


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