Wednesday 31 August 2022



Marriage is one vital aspect to the life of Christians.

They want to find out basically;
When one should get married?
What age is right for marriage?
How to choose the right person?

They want to get acquainted with the Word’s way of getting married.
People don't want to get into a mistake or find themselves in situations where they regret their actions of getting married.
Marriage, inasmuch as it has been designed by God, needs the application of the Word to make it become what it was planned to be.

A Christian is supposed to have the best marriage because he has the Word. The Word is there to guide and direct him.
The Bible says,
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. Psalms 119:105

God never left us helpless or without a guide. This is why we have the Word and we have the Holy Spirit there to help us understand the Word He has given us.

People have set different dates for which one ought to get married. The age for marriage depends on people's culture and family than religion.
You get married when you are mature.
Your age as a Christian does not determine your spiritual maturity
You are mature when you can take care of someone else since you are supposed to be living with another person.

As a member of Christ Embassy, it would be easier for you that your spouse is in the ministry with you, doing what you are doing in God’s house.
It could pose a challenge to do otherwise because you are not hearing the same things
Different beliefs prevent the woman from fully supporting her husband which potentially affects the family.
Pastor Chris says, God created a woman who would help the man,  If she belongs to another ministry, she may have another vision of spiritual life. Different beliefs prevent the woman from fully supporting her husband which potentially affects the family. That is why the couple should go to the same church and the same ministry. 

It's not completely always wrong for this to happen. There are cases where such situations are because the both live in different cities. This kind is not wrong for those that are married.

Every disagreement that would lead couples to attending services separately or go to different churches should be resolved by the couples.

Marriage is a man-made concept.
God doesn't approve or disapprove marriages. He doesn't nullify marriages spiritually.
God holds one over the words he orders when he wants to get married.