Pastor Cheri 

Happy Easter everyone!!!
I believe you have been having a great time!

We are celebrating a very significant event. This event has a very important effect in the Christiandom and in our personal lives.

Without this celebration, you won't be saved today. Hallelujah! It marks, the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Many have celebrated Easter without really  knowing it's significance. They know our Lord Jesus resurrected on the third day, which is why we celebrate Easter and that's how much they know.

Easter, brought us salvation. With Easter came eternal life because Jesus rose up with eternal life. This is the life you receive at the new birth.

This life is the life we live with as Christians. It is called the eternal life of God. It is called ZOE, the very life of God, the life that God is living with today. The life that knows no failure, is not subject to lack and want, not subject to sickness, disease and infirmity. This is the very life that makes God our Father.

When a woman gives birth to a baby, the life comes from the man while the body comes from the woman. In this case, God has given birth to us and our life comes from Him. He became our Father at the new birth. After we received Him into our hearts, we received also, His life into us. This is the very life we are living with today.

The Bible says,
"And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.
He that hath the Son hath life; and He that hath not the Son of God hath not life.
These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God." 1 John 5:11-13.

Hallelujah! Eternal life has been given to us as God’s children, we are not hoping to get it, it's our present hour possession. We have this life because we need it to live our Christian life. Everything about the Christian life is centred on this eternal life.

The Bible says from verse 12 of the Scripture we just read,
"He that hath the Son hath life; and He that hath not the Son of God hath not life." The question therefore is, "Do you have the Son?" If you have the Son, you have life. The Son here is referring to Jesus. If He didn't rise from the dead, how could you have had Him live in you? This is why He rose, so He can dwell in you and so that you can have eternal life.

Eternal life life is one of the three cardinal gifts of God
"For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Romans 6:23.
We can see from the Scripture that eternal life is God's gift to us.

Thank God He rose from the dead, if not, we wouldn't be enjoying eternal life today.

Jesus went to hell for our sakes. He hung on that cross and after He died, He descended into hell and defeated the devil and his cohorts, took the keys of hell and of death from him, made him a public spectacle in hell and afterwards rose from the dead born again. Jesus was the first to be born again, that is why He was called the first begotten from the dead.
"And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood," Revelation 1:5.

He is also called the firstborn of every creature.
"Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature:" Colossians 1:15

So Jesus was the first to be born again. We rose with Him, so we are all 'first' together with Him.

He rose up with eternal life and gave us the life as we received Him. His death would have been okay, it would have given us salvation and that would have been the end, but He didn't stop there, there was more to receive, the eternal life of God.

This is the life that separates you from those who are not saved, it separates you from unbelievers. They are not enjoying what you are enjoying because they don’t have this life. This is the reason for the preaching of the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ. We must not be quiet about it, we must and should share the goodnews to those around us, those in our sphere of contact, so that these ones can come to the light, so that they can receive salvation and enjoy what we are enjoying. This is the reason God left us here on earth, so we can reach the unreached and minister God’s Word to their hearts; we have to get them born again and bubbling with the Gospel. This is the reason why we are here. Hallelujah!

At this time, if you are here and you are yet to receive salvation, this is your opportunity. This is so that you can receive this eternal life we have been talking about.

If you want to receive this life, lift up your right hand and say this prayer out loud meaning it with all your heart;
"O Lord God, I come to You today, I believe in Your saving power for me today, I believe you died, were buried and you rose on the third day. I receive you into my spirit, come and be the Lord of my life, from today. I receive eternal life into my spirit and I declare that I am saved, I am born again. Thank you Lord for my new life today, in Jesus' Name."

If you just prayed that prayer, congratulations and welcome to the family of God. Click on the First Timers/New Converts link below the page to send in your information and for a free gift. We welcome you specially.

And for the rest of us, have you had a great time today?
Wish someone a Happy Easter!
Go with what you have received today to win your world. God blessings rest on you.

Lift up your hands and worship the Lord.