Pastor Cheri 

Thank the Lord for His Word coming to you right now.

Lord we thank you for your Word, we receive it with open spirits and receive all the blessings coming from it, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

Welcome to Church!

We will be looking at 'Doing the Word.'

We have been given the Word of God to live by. It's a manual showing us the way we ought to live as Christians. Without the Word, we won't know how to live as Christians. It is a manual, it is meant to show us the way to live, how to use and live our Christian life.

The Bible says in Psalms 119:105
"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."

With the Word, you know where you are going because it is a guide for life. It shows you where you are going and leads you on the path, you should follow.

When you are a doer of the Word, it is not difficult for the Word to lead you. You just flow with it.

Your life is easy when you have the Word leading you and without direction when it is not. The Word is your guide.  Praise God!

Turn to James 1:22. It says,
"But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves."

It's not enough to hear the Word, you ought to do what you have heard. That is where the blessing is.

"But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, He being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed. "
James 1:25.

The doer gets blessed for doing the Word. Hallelujah!

When the Wisdom of the Word tells you something, you should go ahead and live like what you have been told not leaving as though it wasn't talking to you or forgetting what had just been said

"For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, He is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass: For He beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man He was." James 1:23-24

When you are this way, you live like one who doesn't know who he is. You are without focus and direction.

When the Word tells you to stop a particular habit, you simply put it off and continue your life. You do the Word this way. You make up your mind, from today, you are done with this habit, it's no more, and you move on.

It could be a habit of quarreling, lying or stealing, it makes no difference, if the Word has said something concerning it, you go ahead and do it.

This is what differentiates you from the people of the world. You are  not like them because you have a guide, the Word, leading and directing you on what to do at every point in time.

You have to have a beautiful and exciting Christian life and this is the way. Hallelujah!
Live your life based on God’s eternal Word. The Word is everything. You can trust it, depend on it and live by it.

Put the Word as first place above everything else in your life. It is what you need for the authentic Christian life. A smooth life of peace and progress.

People go through challenges without knowing how they found themselves there, their life is hard and things look difficult for them. This is not the kind of life God planned for you to live. That is why He gave you the Word to live by.

If you have to change anything, you do so with the Word. If you have any challenge, you put an end to it with the Word. The Word is all you need for your beautiful life of glory.

Today is partnership, time to do the Word again. Take your seed as you get ready for this wonderful opportunity.  


Lift up your hands and thank the Lord, worship Him!